
How To Deep Clean Your House

Top tips on how to get your home all clean

Sweeping, swabbing and dusting – the three tenets of a clean house. And most of us do this diligently, every day, some even twice a day, to ensure a spic and span home. But even the keenest of eyes can often miss a damp spot here, a spec of dust there. This is where deep cleaning comes in. The idea of deep cleaning can be daunting to many. You may often wonder: how long will this take? What all do I need? Where do I start? The best way to tackle deep cleaning and not allow it to rattle you is to draw up a checklist and divide the entire process into small steps. And then tackle each step at a time. Here are our top steps to effective deep cleaning at home.

One room at a time:

Always start with one room at a time. Tackling the whole house together is a recipe for disaster. It is time-consuming and can leave you completely overwhelmed. Look at the room where your family and you are likely to spend the most time and start with that. In most homes, that tends to be the living room.

Invest in the necessary tools:

In order to make deep cleaning easy and most importantly effective, make sure you have the right tools. Good quality cleaners, a vacuum cleaner, all your mops and brushes, preferably with extendable hands. Opt for chemical-free cleaners; those made with natural ingredients and free of toxins, like Osh cleaners, to ensure your deep cleaning is also safe for your family, you and the environment.

Start with decluttering:

Before you start deep cleaning, try and declutter, especially when it comes to surfaces. This will make the deep cleaning process easier. This does not mean you open closets and start cleaning one at a time, as this could end up overwhelming you. Look for any obvious sign of clutter – an old, cracked vase, your children’s toys, old files and papers that are simply lying around. Tackle things like this.

Dust, first always:

Start with dusting the visible surfaces and move from top to bottom. This will ensure all the dust/cobwebs etc will collect on the floor and you can sweep it away in one go. Begin with things like fan blades, windows, high shelves, walls, curtain rods, curtains etc.

Dust, first always:

Start with dusting the visible surfaces and move from top to bottom. This will ensure all the dust/cobwebs etc will collect on the floor and you can sweep it away in one go. Begin with things like fan blades, windows, high shelves, walls, curtain rods, curtains etc.

Move to the big pieces:

Sofas, beds, bookshelves, centre tables, dining tables all follow next. Use a wet cloth to wipe down, fluff your pillows, vacuum your sofas, change your table covers and table mats. Don’t forget pesky points like switches!

Finally, the floors:

Floors should usually be the last touchpoint you clean. Make sure you dust them first, to collect all the accumulated dust. A microfibre broom is a great option. Then wipe your floor clean using a natural floor cleaner that can be used across several surfaces and helps to tackle insects and germs, like Osh Floor Cleaner.

Ask for help:

Deep cleaning is not a one-person job. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from your family members. And if it all seems too overwhelming then get professional cleaners to come deep-clean your home.
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